Going on an international travel comes with lots of preparations especially when you’re travelling out of the country for the first time. A lot of parking and travel arrangements to make to ensure the journey is successful.
However, when you’re preparing to travel out of the country, it is expected you inform your credit card company about the journey to avoid having financial issues in another man’s land, therefore, do I need to notify Chase of international travel?
According to chase.com, you don’t need to notify Chase of international travel because they no longer require their card members to set up travel notifications when traveling internationally. You can decide to notify them if you wish.
Do I Need to Notify Chase of International Travel?
Chase no longer requires their users to notify them when they are about to embark on an international travel. According to Chase,
You’re not required to notify your credit card company when you’re going away on vacation, but it is highly recommended.
This is to say that you can prepare and leave for your travel without having to bother yourself notifying them. However, you can also decide to notify them if you wish to do so. There are so many benefits you can get from doing so.
Benefits of Notifying Chase of International Travel
The benefits of notifying chase of international travel are:
1. It Informs them About the Transaction Abroad
When you notify Chase of your international travel, you are telling them you’re going out of the country and you will be using your card in the said country. This notification will help make your transaction in the foreign country easy.
2. To Avoid Fraud Alert on your Card
Sometimes, international transactions can trigger a fraud alert on your card especially when you have never traveled out of the country before or have ever used your card outside the country before. It may trigger a fraud alert on the card and cause Chase to restrict the card for further transactions.
However, if you had notified them prior to the travel, you wouldn’t have received the fraud alert on your card and the transaction wouldn’t have been restricted.
Imagine Chase restricting your transactions in another country, that means you will need to contact them to open up the card again and that might not be an easy thing to do. Therefore, the earlier the better.
3. To Avoid Shutting Down Your Card
As reiterated earlier, when your card is used outside the country, Chase may restrict the card to prevent suspicious activity from happening, in that case, you will not be able to use the card again except if you call them to reopen it which might not be easy considering you are in another country.
For example, if your card is used in a country where card fraud and scamming are the other of the day, they may restrict the card immediately for suspicious activity. So, notifying the chase of international travel prevents these unwarranted circumstances from happening.
4. To Avoid Declining Your Card Charges
Chase may decide to restrict the card charges if it has never been used in a foreign country before, to avoid this happening, you need to notify them of the travel especially when you are going out of the country.
In all these, the point to note is that “notifying Chase of international travel is not compulsory but important”. You’re however recommended to notify them to avoid any circumstances that could arise from that especially when you’re going to another country.
How to Notify Chase of International Travel
If you wish to notify Chase of international travel, you need to log into your Chase account on your mobile app or online and look for notification travel. You can also set up a travel alert by:
Logging into your Chase account and click on the menu icon

Click on the profile icon to see profile & settings, click on profile & settings
Scroll down, you will see more settings, click on it

Click on update at the right side of the screen to set up an alert to notify Chase

Completing the process by adding your departure and return date, and your destinations from all your credit cards that will come out after you click on update should alert you of any international transactions because they are seen as suspicious.
Final Thoughts
You’re not mandated to notify Chase of international travel, but you’re however recommended to notify them to avoid restricting your account based on suspicious transaction and keeping you stranded in a foreign country.