What to Do When a Car Dealer Lied to You

Car dealers are sometimes manipulators. They can box a stone and make it seem like a carriage with a priceless jewel in it. Most times it’s not presented as a lie, but a sales trick to keep you longing for their offer.

So, what do you do when a car dealer lies to you?

When a car dealer lies to you, contact an auto fraud attorney and seek legal advice. You can also sue the dealership but you must ensure that you have enough evidence to back up your claims.

What to Do When a Car Dealer Lied to You?

When a car dealer lies to you, the best bet is to contact a lawyer. The only means to get justice is to have legal hands step into the case. This however requires you to be smart with your approach to the situation.

A dealer that lied once will likely lie again and again and this time it might not be you they lied to, it could be a friend, a family friend, or a total stranger, it is important they are legally dealt with.

The following are practical steps you can follow;

Be Sure Of Your Claims

The first thing is to be sure if your claims are right. If they are not, you might be in trouble for causing trouble. Once you are sure of your claims, you proceed to seek evidence.

Using the words of your mouth alone will amount to nothing, you need proof, so get one if you can.

To be sure of your claims, all you need to do is to establish the following.

  • A false representation was made by the dealer with proof of the previous and the new representation.
  • The dealer is aware of his false representation but held back the truth
  • A form of inducement to act was made by the dealer
  • You incurred damages as a result of a false representation.

Seek For Legal Advice

Most times it is also important you let your attorney know everything that went wrong so you can be properly guided.

Every state has its rules for attending to cases like this and your legal adviser is the best to put you through the laws that bind your state.

If you do win the case, you possibly will be settled for damages, or a better car is given to you or a refund. It all depends on how the case played out and the level of evidence at hand

Why Do Car Dealers Lie?

Humanly speaking, car dealers lie, most especially the ones with the fastened tongues of a sales agent, are cunny and likewise smart with their approach.

If you’ve been with them often, you can read their traits like the letters of a legible author. There are many reasons why car dealers lie. Here are a few you could consider.

To Make The Sale

This is outright wrong, but they do it all the same. The desire of every car dealer is to make a sale. They didn’t start the business to parade around with a title of a dealer and yet there are no sales coming in.

They need money just like you and I need money. Car dealers lie to make sales and most times they are super good at it that you might not find out early enough until after some days you’ve purchased the car from them.

To Keep the Value of the Vehicle

Don’t be too keen if they list out the good things that make the car appear the best thing, you should press further to be sure there are no other stones left unturned.

Car dealers also lie to maintain the value of the vehicle by keeping away from you some defects that the car might have.

Sometimes, months would have rolled over before you find out a dark truth about the vehicle and by then, it might be difficult to trace back the error to them.

Common Lies from Car Dealers You Should Be Aware Of?

Here are the common lies from car dealers:

  • Buy Extra Items Like The GAP Or The Vehicle Service Contract: This is optional which means you can choose not to. It doesn’t prevent your registration process; neither will it cause you to be in the bad books of the government. If you don’t want to, please don’t.
  • They Can Tell You A Car Is New When It’s A Used Car: This is yours to pay closer attention to. Take a test drive; you could also have your personal mechanic take a test drive as he might have more understanding in detecting the difference between a new car and a used one aside from the outward appearance.
  • They Can Also Add To Your Monthly Payments: If you find out you are told to pay anything outside the agreed price, get your attorney. The dealer is probably trying to feed on your income with a well-polished lie.
  • They Might Want To Pressure You Into A Higher Payment Plan: This, to me, is the highest of it all. I feel it’s a trick that deserves some punishment.

This is a common practice called “yo-yo- financing” in which a dealership sells a car with your preferred payment plan and after a month or a few weeks, you get a call from them that your credit application is not valued at the financial institution and that you will need to upgrade your payment plan. If this is you, see your attorney as soon as you can. They are the best fit to clear up your worries.

Aside from these common lies from car dealers, there are more that may not be real to you at the beginning until you have paid and then you find out you’re stuck with more payment.

Can I Sue A Car Dealer For Lying?

Yes, you can sue a car dealer for lying if you have evidence to your claims. Car dealers can be tricky with their approach and you possibly may not be able to read their intentions clearly so it is important you get your facts right before suing them.

You can press charges at a lying car dealer for forgery and fraud. h It could be that a dealer hid the truth from you or a dealer misrepresented a product to you. How can a dealer sell a car that has a faulty ignition or bad spark plugs to you?

Whichever one it’s, if you can prove your claims with past and present records intact, you can press charges against your car dealer for fraud.


Car dealers do lie, and they will do it again and again. what to do when a car dealer lied to you is to sue the dealer but be sure you have your facts right and you take advice from your legal adviser.