There are various signs you should know as a driver before taking a driving test. These signs are important that all the states in the U.S., has them including the Illinois.
These signs are mounted to pass a meaning and to instruct the driver of what to do and when to do it. They help to prevent casualties on the road. As an intending driver, knowing these signs is a pass in your Illinois driving test.
So, the question is, what 15 signs are on the Illinois driving test?
What 15 Signs are on the Illinois Driving Test?
The 15 signs on the Illinois driving test are:
1. Deer Crossing Sign
Are you wondering if deer can simply cross your highway? Asking that question when on the highway can cause you to have an accident because you are currently out of focus. Yours is to obey. The sign is mounted in areas where deer cross the highway.
A deer is about 4 feet tall. It can be scary if you neglect precautions and finally meet your doom standing before you. This sign is mounted to alert and keep you safe.
2. Men at Work Sign
When the road is busy or about to be busy with government workers, these signs are composed up to alert drivers to drive with extreme caution.
It can’t be found on the road all the time, it is temporary. Drivers are alerted from afar with the sign to instruct them of the work zone or busy workers ahead and to inform them to be careful while driving past them.
3. No Bicycle Signs
This sign prevents bicycles from entering a particular road or facility. Bicycle riders have the same rules and signs that bind drivers on the highway; this sign can be seen as an addition to their rules.
4. Pedestrian Crossing Signs
People deserve a right to cross safely. These signs are posted close to crosswalks and interceptions. The signpost is usually a yellow-green fluorescent placard that is easy to see from a further distance because of its reflective nature.
5. Speed Limit Sign
A speed limits sign is found on various highways and residential areas to direct and coordinate the driving speed of every vehicle that passes. Drivers who take up a driving test know this.
The speed limit depends on what highway you are driving through. A close watch while driving makes it easy to see these signs and abide by them.
6. Stop Sign
This is different from every other signpost, in shape, color, and how intense it feels to see one.
A stop sign is mounted to alert drivers of discomfort or traffic congestion and prompts them to take an intersection.
It has 8 edges in form of an octagon with a dangerous red color which differentiates it from other road signs.
7. Yield Signs
This is related to the stop sign. It has the red danger color blazing sharply. The difference is that it has the shape of an upside triangle. It is used in less dangerous situations, basically on cross streets or traffic circles.
8. No U-Turn Signs
This sign differs from the design; it contains a downward-facing arrow with a crossed circle over it. This sign is to educate the driver that the road doesn’t have a turning, so direction can’t be changed.
9. Keep Right Signs
These signs are mounted to show drivers a change in a path on the highway. This sign ensures the flow of vehicles when a slight issue is experienced on the highway.
10. Slippery Road Sign
This is a warning sign to drivers that tells them to drive with caution and that the road is highly slippery.
Driving speedily in places like this isn’t a wonderful experience for the driver because it can cause an accident. A wet and icy road isn’t good with a speeding tire.
11. Narrow Bridge Signs
Narrow bridge signs is part of the 15 signs on the Illinois driving test. It is also a warning sign; it shows that the bridge is narrower than the road the driver is currently on. To travel through this path, speed isn’t needed. Drivers are expected to drive slowly and be prepared for possible traffic.
12. Divided Highway Sign
This is a sign that shows a separation of two lanes by a physical barrier or median, such as a strip of land or a concrete barrier.
13. Road Narrow Sign
Unlike the bridge narrow sign, this type of sign shows the driver that the road he is on is narrow and it requires he drawls. This is a warning sign. Drivers are expected to understand and abide.
14. Two-way Traffic Sign
This sign tells the driver that they are about to leave one way into another with opposing traffic, which is likely to restrict the driver from freely passing cars. This is also a warning sign and drivers are expected to abide by it.
15. School Crossing Sign
This is a warning sign that informs drivers of students, and they are required to drive slowly. These signs are mounted at crossroads where students stay or use more.
Requirements to Enroll For Illinois Road Test?
To enroll for Illinois road test, you must:
- Have a Testing Vehicle: A testing vehicle is required. Not all cars can be used; you are only allowed to use a car that fits into the following criteria:
- The Vehicle Must be Registered: You are here to test your understanding of the law. Bringing an unregistered car makes you a less worthy candidate. Your car is expected to be registered with proof of insurance. If you don’t have a car of your own, you can still take the test with a borrowed car provided you have the registration and proof of insurance for the borrowed car.
- Your Windshield Should be Good Enough: You are expected to have a windshield free of errors, but even if there is a crack, you may take the test provided it doesn’t block your view while driving. Remember, taking a driving test with a cracked windshield is not the best move to make.
- A Car With All Parts Functioning: Your wiper shouldn’t be faulty and every other safety part of the car, the brake, the seat belt, and other parts of the car.
While driving, you are tested for a lot of things; they include:
- Turning: You may not turn the wrong way; you are a threat to other drivers.
- Your Ability to Stop: You are expected to stop quickly and accurately when driving; it shows how knowledgeable you are as a driver.
- Parking: You can’t avoid a strike whenever you park wrongly. Parking right shows your efficiency as a driver.
Aside from practical, basic oral, or theoretical questions will be asked to test your understanding of safety rules. These questions are always cheap and easy. You shouldn’t get yourself too worked up for it.
Does the Illinois Driving Test Require Parallel Parking?
No, parallel parking is not required in your Illinois driving test. Other factors like traffic signals, safety rules, highway laws, and many others are required in your Illinois parking test.
How Hard Is The Illinois Written Driving Test?
Illinois test requires an 80% pass rate to qualify, which means you are expected to have a score of 28 or more to pass. It isn’t a hard test if you study and obey precautions.
Final Thought
The Illinois driving test will ensure the road is kept safe from harmful drivers who lack proper knowledge of highway laws and a quality understanding of how to manage themselves and their cars on the highway.
The test is proof of your understanding of safety rules and your ability to abide by them. The test requires you to have an 80% score to pass; it isn’t hard if you study and pass.
Remember the number of mistakes/points that are allowed in a driving test and be cautious on the day of the test. Good luck in advance!