You can’t drive without turning; it is an essential part of driving that requires caution and attention. A turning signal is needed to ensure you turn safely. Therefore,
When turning you should give the proper signal at least 100 feet before the point of your turn to let the driver at your back decide whether to change lanes or slow down for you to make the turn.
Drivers refusing to use turning signals end up causing collisions because they cannot communicate turning intentions with other drivers on the highway, which might cause a collision and it can be fatal and expensive to manage.
When Is It Proper To Signal When Turning?
The following are a few times you should use the turning signals:
1. When You Want to Pull Over to the Side of the Road
To avoid a collision, using a turning signal will communicate your intentions to other drivers so that when you slow down trying to pull over to the other side of the road, other drivers don’t speed up and hit you from behind.
2. When You Want to Enter Your Driveway or Parking Lot
Entering your driveway or a parking lot requires you to turn away from the main street. To avoid a collision, you need to use turning signals to alert other drivers so that when you try to turn, they can do the right thing behind you.
3. Changing Lanes
Occasionally, probably we change lanes when driving to avoid collisions and accidents. The essence of a turning signal is to spread out the message of your driving intentions before proceeding to change lanes.
If you turn without informing others using the turning signals, you will be arrested by police officers and you will probably cause confusion among other drivers.
The general rule whenever you intend to do a turning either to your driveway or a change in lanes, you are expected to be on the right lane, close enough to the direction you intend to turn into.
Turn on your signals when close enough or about 100 feet before arriving at the point of turning. Using the driving signals when turning allows you to move swiftly without causing accidents when turning.
Right Ways to Signal When Driving
The right way to signal is to turn on your signals when close or about 100 feet before arriving at the point of turning, giving the driver at your back more time to see your signal to make a decision.
For example, if you are about to get to a U-Turn, signaling before you get to the U-Turn will tell the driver at your back that you are about to slow down and you will be turning soon.
The driver will however decide to either continue to follow you or go the other lane so he doesn’t have to stop and wait until you make your turn to continue his movement.
Pros of Giving a Proper Turning Signal
Here are a few reasons why using a driving signal is important:
1. It Saves You from a Tight Spot
Sometimes you can drive and have other drivers get into your blind spot. Using your turning signals can assist your turning and ensure other drivers can use the horn when you are getting into a tight spot even when you didn’t notice anyone getting into your blind spot.
2. It Prevents You From Police Officers
Some police officers are angry fellows with a badge; they can easily detect your faults when driving and can sell you to the government for a fine. Using a turning signal will direct your driving and assist other drivers to drive moderately.
Police officers can be friendly but they are always against breaking the law. Not using your turning signals will not only cause you to be in a tight spot, but it is also likely to cause confusion among drivers because they won’t know about your intentions to turn and this is what police officers are easy to react to.
3. You Earn Your Respect
Driving right calls the people’s attention. When you use your turning signals when necessary, it helps others to follow their lane and there is no other respect than avoiding a collision on the highway because of knowing what to do as an experienced driver. It means you are worth a driver’s license.
Dangers of Not Giving a Proper Turning Signal
Not using your turning signals is dangerous and has some repercussions you are likely not ready to face. A. When a few of them include:
It Causes Confusion
Confusion is a good way to cause accidents on the highway. Avoiding the use of turning signals will communicate information wrongly to other drivers.
Experienced drivers who took a driving test should know this basis of driving and turning. Neglecting it is likely to cause accidents that can be fatal or not, depending on how the situation is handled.
It Can be Expensive
An accident is expensive and I’m sure you are not ready to pay unforeseen bills. It can be hard when it involves turning without your signals.
You can be lucky and escape any collisions and sometimes you can be less lucky and end up crushing a car before or after you
This can cause you to spend on repairs and if the officer knows the accident is because you failed to use your turning signals, it will invite the police, and officers aren’t cheap, you will pay fines for breaking the law of the highway.
It Takes More of Your Time
Turning without using the turning signals will take you more time when you want to maneuver your way around the highway. In case you want to change your lanes and you are in haste, without the turning signals, you are likely to take more time in turning.
Final Thoughts
When driving, you can’t do without turning. It is important to do it right to avoid causing accidents. Using your turning signals will help other drivers know when you want to turn. You shouldn’t confuse other drivers and because of this, using the signals when it is needed is important and it will pronounce you as an experienced driver.