When the check engine light comes on, we become agitated, worried, and most times almost panting because we automatically have it processed that, something is wrong with the car, again!
When your Mercedes check engine lights come on, there’s no need to panic as it could be a minor problem that won’t cost you a high figure to repair. But can I still drive my Mercedes with the check engine light on?
You can drive your Mercedes with the check engine light on but if the check engine warning light is blinking, you are advised to stop driving immediately and have the car towed to an auto repair shop to diagnose and fix the problem that prompted the warning light.
A check engine light is only there to keep you knowledgeable about the well-being of your engine, if it comes up, surely there’s something wrong but it could be minor, it could be an error that just needs a little touch.
Can I Drive My Mercedes With the Check Engine Light On?
Yes, you can drive your Mercedes with the check engine light on. You probably have the thoughts “What if it’s not a minor problem”, can I still drive it?
To answer this clearly, you need to know how “danger” speaks through your engine light. The following are some of the ways your engine light will possibly appear on your Mercedes:
An Occasional Check Light Alert
When you notice the engine check light of your Mercedes turns on occasionally with a difference in performance, it is probably because your engine is experiencing a misfire.
A misfire happens when one or more of the cylinders don’t produce power. You can drive it over to your technician to check it out. There will be no need to panic or for you to do an emergency parking.
When The Check Light Is Constantly On
This is also another way your engine light can appear. When there is a constant light on, it indicates a problem with one of the systems powering your car, this will also need you to either call upon your technician to have it checked or drive it over there. Because it could be a minor problem like a broken gas cap.
A Blinking Check Engine Light
I call it a “critical stage”. When there is a blink in your check engine warning light, it indicates a major problem with your engine system, it could be a failing catalytic converter.
You possibly want to park the car and call your technician or if the performance still indicates that it can drive a few miles, you probably want to head straight to your technician to have it fixed.
How Long Can I Drive With Check Engine Light On?
Depending on what condition your vehicle is. If there is a constant blink, it means you should park and have a technician do a check on it.
Sometimes you could drive for days without issues, but why drive for days when you can have it checked now?
A healthy approach to this, suggests you drive between 50 to 100 miles and possibly run an error scan to know what the error code is.
What Is the Function of the Mercedes Check Engine Light?
The Mercedes check light is an indicator fixed by the developers to indicate an error with either your engine management system, the fuel injector system, the exhaust system, the ignition system, and as well as the fuel system.
The indicator is a sensitive one that picks quick signals. In case you see it come on, you might have it stray into your heart that the engine is probably in a problem, yet it could just be a problem with a broken gas cap. This is minor and can be fixed quickly enough.
The function of the check engine light is to pick up errors, whether minor or major, so whenever you see that popping light before you panic, ensure you know why the light is on.
What Color Is the Mercedes Check Engine Light?
Other lights on your dashboard are not the engine check light. Most of the colors you’ll ever see on your dashboard are probably yellow or orange.
You can’t possibly see a gray color or a disguised pink; the warning lights are mostly yellow or orange outlines sparking up in your dashboards.
Other errors could be from the ABS light, the brake pad, the coolant levels, and others. When there’s a yellow outline or popping orange out of your dashboard, you might want to consider these variables.
Why Does My Mercedes Check Engine Light Come Up?
As said earlier, there could be a minor problem and your check engine light picks it up, yet, it could also be a problem that needs immediate attention.
Here are some of the problems that can cause the check engine warning light on your Mercedes Benz:
1. A Damaged Or Missing Gas Cap
When a gas cap is missing, broken, or worn out, the engine automatically emits pollutants beyond its threshold hence prompting a check engine warning light to come on.
A broken or missing gas cap will allow the vaporization of fuel and reduce the fuel efficiency of the engine. If this is the case, reach out to a mechanic for a new gas cap.
2. Your Spark Plug Is Old
An old spark plug can also trigger the engine check light to turn on. The spark plug though small is the device that produces the electrical spark that causes combustion with the air-and-fuel mixture in the cylinder.
A spark plug is known to wear out with time, which means it will surely get to a point when you get to change it. A worn-out or damaged spark plug may cause the engine to backfire, treat it with enough urgency.
3. A Defective Oxygen Sensor
An error with the oxygen sensor will cause the vehicle to provide the engine with “too much” or “too little” fuel which has its own side effect on the engine and its efficiency. An error with the oxygen sensor cannot be tagged minor; you should see a car doctor ASAP.
4. A Faulty Catalytic Converter
A catalytic converter works by filtering out harmful carbon monoxide. When there is an error with this, it affects the fuel efficiency and also leaves a lasting warning on your engine performance.
These are a few reasons why your Mercedes check engine light turns on. To be on the safer side when the light comes on, book an appointment with a mechanic.
Cons of Driving My Mercedes with Check Engine Light On
Here are a few cons you want to consider before you keep driving your Mercedes with the check engine light on.
1. You Could Experience Mileage Deficiency
If the reason for the engine light turning on is a result of a defective engine sensor, you might probably experience a decrease in gas mileage as time passes.
You may not have it decrease all at once, but be sure with time driving with your check light on will decrease the gas mileage with time.
Oxygen sensor problems can also increase or car’s emission which is a disadvantage to the car’s engine.
2. Your Vehicle Might Experience Irreversible Problems
Major errors should be treated with utmost urgency. Problems with the catalytic converter if not attended to with time may cause problems that will either cost you more to repair or render your car’s engine defective until you’re able to buy a new one.
What To Do If You Have a Check Engine Light On Your Mercedes
If you’re to do anything first, you should drive to a safe place, possibly get it into your garage if possible, or park the car in a safe space while you run through the following process.
Ask Yourself If You Just Pumped In Some Gas
There could be an error when tightening the gas cap. When your gas cap is loose, it can trigger the engine light to turn on. If you find out it is not properly tightened, do so and it should turn off the light after driving a few miles.
Did You Experience A Jolt Or Vibration While Driving?
This is a problem with the spark plug. When you notice some unusual vibration when driving, it is best you call out to your technician because a further drive can make it very difficult to drive which will eventually require a towing process.
Is The Light A Constant One Or A Flashing One?
As explained earlier, if the light is stable, you’re still safe to drive over to your mechanic but if the light is ever flashing, it is because you have a major problem. You should park until you have it checked.
You should also be more familiar with the dangerous color “red”. When the engine lights turn red, you shouldn’t try to push any further but when it’s still yellow or a similitude of orange, you probably can drive it to a safe zone while you have someone check it out for you.
When your Mercedes check light turns on, you should stay calm while you check out the details of why it turned on and what the best move is. In most cases, the check engine light is turned on for a minor problem, if this is the case, you can drive to a safe space and have someone check it out for you.