What to Do with a Car that Needs a New Engine

No car can work without an engine because it is an integral part of the car. With proper maintenance, the engine should last a long time but unfortunately, most engines do not last long.

When a car’s engine is no longer functioning as it should, it is said to be bad and needs to be replaced. Replacing an engine means getting a new but what should you do with a car that needs a new engine.?

If you have a car that needs a new engine, you can sell the car, rebuild the bad engine or replace the engine. You should also get expert advice from different mechanics, their suggestions will help you determine whether to sell the car or rebuild or replace the engine.

What Does it Mean When a Car Needs a New Engine?

When a car is said to need a new engine, it means the old engine has failed or worn out and has to be replaced with a new one.

Car engines are designed to last a long time but this does not exempt them from going bad or getting blown.

It is quite common for an engine to go bad over time either because of improper maintenance or an issue in the engine that wasn’t fixed in time which led to severe damage to the engine.

When a car needs a new engine it simply means the old one is no longer capable of making the car run.

A new car engine is bought aftermarket and must be fixed in the car by an expert. If the new engine is improperly fixed it is as good as if you didn’t get a new engine because it won’t work as it should or not work at all.

What to Do with a Car that Needs a New Engine?

If you have a car that needs a new engine, what should you do? Should you replace the engine or should you buy another car?

1. Allow Some Mechanics to Give their Opinions

Before making the final decision to change the engine, take the car to a number of mechanics and allow them to give their opinion on whether the engine should be changed or not.

For a mechanic to suggest what to do, he must troubleshoot the engine in order to know if the engine really needs changing or if the car should be sold.

It is better to have different mechanics’ opinions than going with what one mechanic says, this is because some of these mechanics are not experts while others will give a suggestion because of what they stand to gain. The final decision should be based on the common suggestions gotten from them.

2. Sell the Car

If the popular suggestion by the mechanic is to sell the car, then that is what you should do. The car can be sold to people or junk yards that buy cars with bad or blown engines.

It may be better to sell the car in parts rather than selling as a whole, this is because selling in parts will yield more money.

Even if you decide to sell it as a whole, if the other parts of the car are still in good working condition you will get a good deal out of it.

3. Replace with a New Engine

If after troubleshooting by the mechanic, the other parts are said to be in good condition then you can replace the bad engine with a new one.

This is however provided the cost of replacing is not almost equal to the cost of getting a new car. Some engines can be as expensive as getting a new brand of car.

4. Rebuild the Bad Engine

Just because an engine is worn out does not mean it is completely useless, if you do not want to sell the car or replace the engine you can as well rebuild or thoroughly repair it.

To rebuild an engine, you will have to dismount the parts and put them back together. This may be a better option in getting the engine working as it is way cheaper than replacing it with a new one or selling it at scrap value.

Is it Worth Replacing the Engine in a Car?

Yes, and No, it depends.

Replacing an engine in a car may be worth it if all other parts of the engine are in good working condition. It is also worth it if the cost of replacing the engine is lower than the cost of purchasing a new car.

Oftentimes, the cost of replacing an engine is always so expensive that you would rather buy a new car. Especially for newer cars with high-technology systems.

Replacing an engine in a car is definitely not worth it if the other parts of the engine are also bad. If you go ahead to replace it in this case, you will need to also replace and repair the other parts.

This will only lead to spending more money on replacement and repairs, this money put together may even be enough to get a new car.

Also, to rebuild an engine and get it working, you need to employ the service of an expert.

Is it Cheaper to Rebuild an Engine or Replace it?

Since rebuilding an engine involves dismounting the engine into separate parts and putting it back, you must get an expert who can do the job of rebuilding the engine from scratch, but replacing an engine on the other hand involves changing the old engine with a new one.

Now, which is cheaper, to rebuild the engine or to replace it? Rebuilding the engine is said to be the cheaper option than replacing it as you may not necessarily have to replace so many parts in getting the engine to perform well.

Depending on the type of car, some engines can be as expensive as buying another brand of car. Whether rebuilding an engine is cheaper than replacing it also depends on the individual, some may say rebuilding is cheaper while others are indifferent about it. It is relative.


You shouldn’t be in a hurry to replace a bad engine with a new one without first checking to know if the other parts are working fine. You should also weigh your options before changing the car engine.