How Much Rhodium is in a Catalytic Converter

Catalytic converters help to convert or change the harmful gases that are a part of the exhaust gas into less harmful gases. It changes these gases by a chemical reaction that happens when the gas meets a catalyst inside the converter.

Catalysts such as Rhodium, palladium, and platinum are commonly used in catalytic converters. So. the question is, how much rhodium is in a catalytic converter?

The average amount of rhodium in catalytic converters is about 1 – 2 grams with a cost of $290 per gram which is one of the reasons why catalytic converters are very expensive.

What is Rhodium?

Rhodium, which can also be represented by the symbol Rh is an element (a chemical element) that is one of the noble metals and also a member of the platinum group. Its atomic number is 45 and it is currently not as known as the other metals from the same group.

Rhodium is a very rare metal that has a silvery-white color with a surface that is very hard. It is one of the transition metals and it’s very resistant to corrosion.

It has a naturally occurring isotope( 103rh) and it’s usually found as a free metal or as an alloy. It is also found as a chemical compound in some minerals like rhodplumsite and bowieite, although this occurs rarely.

How Much Rhodium is in a Catalytic Converter?

The amount of Rhodium that’s found in a car catalytic converter is dependent on the make and model of the car as well as the type and size of the catalytic converter.

However, the average amount of rhodium that’s found in a car is between 1-2 grams. This is because rhodium is a very rare metal which makes it quite expensive and so very little amount is used in catalytic converters.

What are the Functions of Rhodium in Catalytic Converters?

The functions of rhodium in a catalytic converter are:

1. It Reduces Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

In the catalytic converter, rhodium assists in converting NOx into nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), which are harmless gases.

It is able to do this because it is highly effective at catalyzing the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx), such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are harmful pollutants that contribute to smog and acid rain.

2. It Oxidize Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbons (HC)

Rhodium also participates in the oxidation reactions that convert carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), respectively. This helps to reduce the levels of these pollutants in the exhaust gases.

3. It Improves Cold-Start Emissions Control

Rhodium is especially effective in catalyzing reactions at lower temperatures, making it important for reducing emissions during the cold-start phase of an engine.

Cold-start emissions can be a significant source of pollution, and rhodium helps catalyze the necessary reactions even when the exhaust gases are cooler.

4. It Helps to Increase the Overall Catalytic Efficiency

The presence of rhodium, alongside other precious metals like palladium and platinum in the catalytic converter helps improve the overall efficiency of the emissions control system.

These metals work together to catalyze various reactions, resulting in a more complete conversion of harmful emissions into less harmful compounds.

Therefore, it is worth noting that the primary function of rhodium in catalytic converters is to facilitate the reduction of nitrogen oxides and the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons which helps to reduce harmful emissions from vehicle exhaust.

What Catalytic Converter Has the Most Rhodium?

Catalytic converters designed for diesel engines may contain higher levels of rhodium due to the particular challenges of reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in diesel exhaust. Rhodium is highly effective at catalyzing NOx reduction, and diesel engines tend to produce higher levels of NOx.

Also, high-end or luxury vehicles may have catalytic converters with higher concentrations of rhodium because they often incorporate more advanced emissions control technology to meet stringent emissions regulations.

For example, one of the cars with the most rhodium and expensive catalytic converter is the BMW 760iLi. The BMW 760iLi has a catalytic converter that contains up to $1300 worth of rhodium.

Also, the Ferrari F430 has two catalytic converters in its exhaust system and each converter is worth up to $3770 which means it contains a high amount of rhodium and the other platinum group metals.

So many other fast cars, especially those that require two catalytic converters have a high amount of rhodium in them.

Can You Get Rhodium Out of Catalytic Converter?

Rhodium can be extracted out of a catalytic converter and this can be done easily by individuals. However, the process of extracting is very delicate and if it’s not properly done can cause harmful gases to be released into the air.

This is why it is always advisable to meet someone or go to a scrap and recovery service shop. They must be professionals because they would have all the tools needed to safely extract the metals I’d they’re not professionals.

How to Get Rhodium Out of Catalytic Converter

Getting rhodium out of a catalytic converter can be done in a few different ways, it’s best to get a professional scrap and recovery service to do the job.

One of the methods of extracting rhodium from a catalytic converter is a process called “aqua regia”.

Aqua regia means “royal water” and it was given this name for two reasons. First because of its ability to dissolve gold and secondly because of its red or yellowish coloration.

The process of aqua regia involves a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid to safely extract rhodium from a catalytic converter.

Another method for extracting rhodium from catalytic converters is through Electrolysis.

Electrolysis is a process by which an electrical current is passed through a substance but in this case, the electric current is being passed through an object and that’s the catalytic converter.

These processes can only be done with the proper knowledge of mixing these chemicals and knowing the right amount of electrical current to be passed. Also, you must have the right equipment to complete these processes.

The process of electrolysis is very complex and dangerous if not done properly because mistakes can cause harmful chemicals to be released into the air.

Pros of Rhodium in Catalytic Converters

The advantages of rhodium in catalytic converters are:

  • Conversion of Harmful Gases: One of the reasons why rhodium is important in catalytic converters is because it helps in conception harmful exhaust gases into less harmful ones. Rhodium converts nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide into less harmful nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
  • Electroplating: Rhodium, because of its corrosion resistance and its durability is used in the electroplating of converters.


The precise amount of rhodium in a catalytic converter depends on factors such as the vehicle’s make and model, the converter’s age, and the specific emissions regulations in place at the time of manufacturing. However, The average amount of rhodium in catalytic converters is about 1 – 2 grams with a cost of $290 per gram.