Cars Parked on the Side of a Highway at Night Should Show

There are different places where one can park a car both on private properties and in public parking spaces, one can even park on the side of a highway day or night.

However, extra care must be taken when parking on the side of the highway at night because of the many dangers of doing so. There are rules to be followed and certain requirements.

Therefore cars parked on the side of a highway at night should show parking lights to ensure your car’s visibility in order to avoid an accident.

Can you Park Your Car on the Highway at Night?

Yes, you can park your car on the highway at night. Highways are major roads frequently used by vehicles moving from one city to the other.

They are often time busy with vehicles maneuvering here and there and are definitely not the safest place for people to walk but for various reasons cars are parked there.

The possibility of parking on the highway at night depends on the side of the highway you intend on parking. There are certain rules put in place that prevents a car owner from parking anyhow on the highway which should be adhered to.

Cars Parked on the Side of a Highway at Night Should Show?

If for whatever reason you have to park your car on the side of a highway at night then you are by law required to show parking lights to avoid accidents.

For those preparing for their DMV written test, cars parked on the side of a highway at night should show a Parking Light. A parking light is an answer to the question.

Rules of Parking on the Side of the Highway at Night?

It is usually better and safer for all concerned to park your car off the highway but if you have to park on the highway, there are some rules you should know and follow.

Going against any of these rules could lead to your getting a ticket, fine, and other punishment deemed fit by the authorities. These rules are:

1. Make Sure Your Car is Visible

You have to make sure your car is visible and not compromising other road users. One way to make your car visible to other is parking on the side of the highway with streetlight, this is provided you are permitted to do so.

Other than visibility, it also deters thieves from any attempt to steal from your vehicle. If you are not permitted to park where there is a streetlight put on your vehicle’s hazard warning light.

2. Turn Your Parking Light On

If you have the intention of parking temporarily on the highway, in order not to dazzle other road users, your vehicle’s parking light should be on.

The parking light alerts other road users to the presence of your car on the side of the road. The light is not too low that other drivers won’t see your car and not too bright but enough for them to see your car.

3. Don’t Leave the Interior Lights On

Whether you are leaving the car temporarily or for the night, do not leave the interior lights on. Leaving the interior lights on will only make your battery run down fast and also make thieves lurking around to see inside your car and make attempts to get away with any valuables they see.

4. Set the Alarms and Lock the Doors

You should always lock your car doors whether you are staying with it or leaving it parked there, also not forget to set the alarms before leaving the car. You can never be too cautious in securing your car.

5. You Can Move the Valuables to the Boot

A better option for securing your valuables will be to move them to the car boot, if you don’t want to do that you can as well take them with you if you can.

Do not cover your valuables inside the car, by doing that you can as well be telling anyone looking that ‘I kept something underneath the cover’.

6. Do Not Park Against the Traffic

When parking on the highway at night, do not park against the traffic i.e., parking facing oncoming vehicles. You should always park your car in the same direction as the flow of traffic. Failure to do this could put you at risk of getting a fine.

You should always park on the left side of the road and the exception to this is if you are parking on a one-way street.

However, in some states like the UK, you are advised to park on the right side of the road i.e. parking against the flow of traffic.

As a general rule, when parking your car at night make sure you are complying with the local parking restrictions. This may vary from locality to locality.

Dangers of Parking on the Side of the Highway at Night

Although parking on the side of the highway especially at night may seem like a good option at the time, you should know that there are some disadvantages and dangers to doing it.

Let’s consider some of the dangers of parking on the side of the highway at night;

The High Risk of Crashing

Parking on the side of the highway at night puts you at a high risk of a crash especially if you are not adhering to the rules for parking on the highway at night.

Other road users either because they did not realize your car is parked there or you are parking on the wrong side of the road among other factors may crash into your car.

A car crash may be minor or severe and one way you can prevent this from happening is no parking on the side of the highway at all or parking by following the rules.


Stealing valuables from cars parked on the side of the highway or anywhere as a matter of fact is a common criminal act. This is why you should not drive at night when you can’t.

If you are parking on the side of the highway at night you should consider the possibility of having your valuables stolen as there are thieves lurking around looking for cars whose owners will forget to lock the door or the valuables left in plain sight.

If you don’t have any variables they can still, they may decide to steal your catalytic converter knowing how much they are going to sell it.

You May Get a Ticket

Parking on the side of the highway at night means you have also decided to follow the local parking restriction. In this case, ignorance may not help you if you get caught.

If you are caught not following any of the night parking rules, suitable punishment will be given such as; getting a ticket, fine, etc.


Lots of trouble with the authorities and dangers can be averted if you will check to know your local parking restrictions and follow them while parking. Whether you are parking temporarily or leaving your car for the night, the same rules apply.