Every state has a police department that plays a role that cuts across, maintaining order, preventing crime, and arresting offenders, etc.
The police are of different types and each has different functions but they all work to achieve one common goal which is to maintain peace, and protect lives and properties. The question here now is, can the police help me get my car back?
Yes, the police can help you get your car back if it was stolen, illegally towed by an individual or a towing company, and if it was taken by someone who refused to return it back. You must however provide the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), License plate, title, and other documents that prove the car is rightfully yours.
Who are the Police?
The police are a body of persons entrusted with power by the state to maintain order, improve the quality of life for citizens, prevent crime, and ensure the safety of life, property, and health.
The police are said to be of different types such as the highway patrol officers, uniformed police, sheriffs, air marshals, detectives, border patrol agents, special jurisdiction police, etc.
A police officer must have skills such as; problem-solving, communication, independent working as well as team spirit, etc.
Other functions of the police include; collecting and communicating information that is affecting the peace of the public to the appropriate authority, preventing public nuisance, taking charge of unclaimed property, dispersing unlawful assemblies, arrest of offenders amongst others.
Can the Police Help Me Get My Car Back?
Yes, the police can help you get your car back but not in all cases.
For the police to get involved and help you retrieve your car then your car must have wrongfully been taken. It could be that it was wrongfully towed, someone took your car without permission and is refusing to return it, and other similar instances.
You must be able to provide information like the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), License plate, title, and other documents that prove that the car is rightfully yours.
When Should I Contact the Police About My Car?
There are various situations that will warrant your contacting the police as it relates to your car. Below are some instances when you should contact the police:
1. When there’s an Accident
One of the many occasions where you can contact the police about your car is when the car is involved in an accident. You should call the police when your car is involved in an accident especially if the car is damaged or someone got injured.
In this case, the police will call for emergency medical care if you haven’t done so, protect the scene and also investigate and document the cause of the accident.
2. Someone Took Your Car Without Permission
It is possible that a family member, ex, or friend took your car without permission from you, and the person refused to return it after so many attempts to get it back.
If after so many attempts the person won’t return your car, you can contact the police. The police will on your behalf get in touch with the person and take measures that will ensure the car is returned.
3. Car is Stolen
Once you realize that your car has been stolen, the next thing to do should be to contact the police. You will have to provide information such as; the car model, VIN, License plate, and others that the police can work with in finding the stolen car.
4. Car Was Wrongfully Towed
Having a car towed is common but it is possible that your car gets towed when you have not violated any law.
If this is the case, one of the many ways of getting the car back without paying a tow fee is by contacting the police. The police will help you get your car back from the tow company.
How Can Police Help Get My Car Back?
The police can help get your car back using various methods and depending on what the situation is.
If the car was stolen, the police will request that you provide basic details about the stolen car. Details such as, where the car was parked, the car name, model, license plate, etc.
The police will use the information to track down the car and its location. This is possible because the police have access to the state’s database.
If the car was wrongfully towed, the police will serve as the middleman between you as the car owner and the tow company. Everything that needs to be sorted in order to recover the car will be done through the police.
In the case where the car was taken without permission, the police will confirm if you have taken any steps to get the car back. The police also serves as the middle person here by contacting the third party and ensuring the car is returned within a stipulated time.
Pros of Contacting the Police for a Missing Car
It has been established that the police can be contacted for various car-related issues but there are some advantages of contacting the police for a missing car you should know, they are;
- The Car will be Found in Time: Contacting the police for a missing car will ensure that the car is found in record time. The police department has a lot of resources at their disposal which they will deploy in order to find your missing car. It is better to contact the police than to try to find the missing car on your own with little or no resources.
- The Thief will be Punished Accordingly: Once the car is found the person that stole it will be punished accordingly. Even if the thief isn’t with the car when it is found, with the resources and information the police department has access to the thief can be tracked down and made to face the consequences of his actions.
- You Won’t be Wrongly Accused: It is possible that the person who stole your car is using it for criminal activities. Contacting the police when you realize the car is missing and in time will prevent you from being wrongly accused of any criminal activities that may be carried out with your car.
Contacting the police when you are having a car-related issue is good but you shouldn’t abuse this privilege by contacting them for petty issues that can easily be resolved. You will only be wasting their time and preventing them from attending to other important matters.