Thousands of cars ply the road on a daily basis and in relation to that, only very few accidents occur. This is thanks to the road signs at several points of the road that regulate traffic.
If there were no traffic road signs, the number of accidents on the road would quadruple in a minute. Most accidents occur because some road users don’t pay attention to road signs.
A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means ‘yield’. It is a sign directing road users about to cross an intersection to yield to the traffic on the major road; that is, they should slow down and give way to any road user or pedestrians in the intersection.
A Red and White Triangular Sign at an Intersection Means?
A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means to yield. When you see a red and white sign at an intersection, it means you should slow down and give the right-of-way to the traffic or road user on the major road.
It means that priority is given to users of the major road you are about to enter. When you see this sign, you must slow down, watch and give way where necessary, before driving through the intersection.
If you as a driver, are about to drive into a new road and crash into one of the cars on the major road, all the fault and penalty will be upon you, as it simply means you did not obey the red and white triangular sign at the intersection.
Therefore, anytime you see the red and white triangular sign, just know that you’re meant to slow down, yield, and give way to the traffic on the major road.
Pros of a Red and White Triangular Sign at an Intersection
There are several benefits of the red and white triangular sign at an Intersection, they are:
- Alerts the Drivers: The sign alerts the driver that it is time to slow down and watch what is going on on the major road before moving.
- Notice to Yield: It also acts as a notice to the drivers to give way, that is, to yield the right-of-way to the drivers on the major road.
- Protection from Road Accidents: As a result of the big, noticeable, and colorful sign, drivers know what to do, and they are protected from needless road accidents.
What are the Best Ways to Drive at an Intersection?
Here are the best ways to drive at an intersection:
- Drive with Utmost Care: Do not use your acceleration for speed. Be very careful when you approach an Intersection, as you want to enter into a major road from a minor one.
- Do not Speed: Whatever you do, ensure you do not drive at a limited speed when approaching an intersection.
- Use your Indicators: Always use your indicators when you are driving at an Intersection.
- Stay Several Distances Away from the Edge of the Major Road: Keep your distance and ensure where you have stopped for the traffic is a very safe area.
Benefits of Road Signs
The benefits of road signs to road users are:
1. Safe Use of the Road
Road/navigational signs provide absolute safety to all the users on the road, this is because it gives a sense of understanding about what to do and what not to do to every single road user.
Once you understand how to use something, there won’t be any danger of abuse, and in the absence of abuse, there is safety. You will be able to signal properly when making a turn or changing lanes.
2. When There is a Change in Condition
Whenever there is a temporal change in the condition of the road, there are road signs for this very purpose that indicates to the road users what has happened, and what next to do.
3. It Assists the Proper Flow of Traffic
When there are road signs to help users understand the flow of traffic, there will be a lot less traffic congestion.
Many times, it is people who do not understand how to read the signs on the road that cause problems for other drivers on the road and then disrupt the flow of traffic.
4. It Allows People to Cross the Road Safely
With road signs, people can cross the road safely, and this has reduced the number of accidents that can be avoided. Road signs are telling you where to cross the road, and where you mustn’t cross.
5. It Provides Uniform Rules to all Drivers
It is also another way for drivers to know that every single one of them is equal on the road. All drivers obey the same road signs, and there are no exemptions in any case. This uniform rule has helped regulate road use over the years.
6. It Helps Everyone Become Better Road Users
The more you pay attention to and obey the rules of traffic, and what road signs say, the better you become like a road user.
Final Thoughts
YIELD! Whenever you see a red and white triangular sign at an intersection, just know that you are meant to slow down and yield to the traffic on the major road.
Think about giving the ‘right-of-way’ to the drivers and users on the major road as they are considered the users of priority, for they are the ones on the fast, straight road.