What is Not a Terrorist Method of Surveillance

Before any terrorist attack occurs, there must be enough precautions taken by the pepetrator(s) with adquate surveillance. But the question is, what is not a terrorist method of surveillance?

Technical surveillance
Stational surveillance
Breaking and entering to steal valuables
Casual questioning

The correct answer is breaking and entering to steal valuables.

What is Not a Terrorist Method of Surveillance?

Breaking and entering to steal valuables is not a terrorist method of surveillance and the reason is because, anybody that has the mindset of terrorism does not count whatever valuables you have, his or her own goal is to execute the attack and achieve a success.

However, according to FBI, terrorism is defined as an unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political objectives.

From the FBI definition above, it is clear to understand that most terrorist attacks are politically oriented in the sense that the government and its large citizens are in target.

No one initiates an act of terrorism because he just want to attack and steal one man’s valuables. Therefore, breaking and entering to steal valuables is not terrorist method of surveillance.

You don’t expect a terrorist to break into your car just to steal  something except you have what he needs to actualise his aim and thats definitely not part of surveillance. You can call it something else.

A terrorist can make use of both technical and stationary surveillance. He/she can even make use of causual questioning but breaking into your house to steal your gold while he initiates his terrorist plan is definitely not part of his surveillance.

For a better understanding, lets have a clear definition of the different method of surveillance used by a terrorist to actualise his aim.

  • Technical Surveillance: This is defined as a method of conducting surveillance via the deployment of an electronic eavedropping device or hidden camera or by manuiplating an in-situelectronic device in order to conduct surveillance, hence why it is one of the terrorist method od surveillance.
  • Stational Surveillance: Stational surveillance can be defined as a method of survaillance which involves monitoring individuals, buildings and areas such as borders, property boundries, building exits and entrance ways.

Would you agree if you are told that electronic audio and video devices are never used by terrorist for surveillance purposes? While some may argue for that on paper but in real life, it is not impossible to be used.

We are in the era of technology and as so anything is possible. Electronic audio and video devices can also be employed by a terrorist to actualize his aim. Remember, a terrorist can make use of anything possible to ensure his/her plans are actualised.

A terrorist can as well make use of various other aggressive techinques such as approaching security check points to ask for directions, making false phone threats, or attempting to smuggle nonlethal contraband through checkpoints. They can do anything as long as their end goal is actualized.


A terrorist can go as far as doing anything to get close observation of his target but one thing they cannot do is breaking into your house to steal your valuables. A terrorist may break into your house for other reasons but not stealing your valuables except the valuable will aid him in actualising his aims.