The driver’s license is an important document that allows you to legally drive on the road. Without the driver’s license, you will not be allowed to drive on the road and will be punished if you are caught.
For one to obtain a driver’s license, he has to meet with the department in charge of motor vehicles in his country, they are the one responsible to issue the document to the legitimate individuals.
However, before a driver license is issued to you, you will be asked to take a photo that will appear on the license. What you wear for this picture matters a lot. Therefore, what color to wear for driver’s license photo?
The best colors to wear for a driver’s license photo are brown, peaches, white, green, pink, red, and black,, etc. Avoid wearing stripe or clothes with complex patterns because they can be distracting.
What Color to Wear for Driver’s License Photo?
The best color you can wear for driver’s license photo are:
Brown is one of the best color for driver’s license photo. It can blend with the background color of the license and give you the facial recognition you need.
Peaches is another color to go for when you want an amazing photo on your license. It will give the picture the best quality it needs in terms of color and make you face to stand out.
The essence of having your picture on your drivers license is to identify that the license belongs to you. Therefore, wearing a black color for the picture will give you the exact perfection you need to enable the law enforcement agencies recognize you immediately.
White is a good color to go for when taking drivers license photo. But you need to ensure that white is not the background color of the license photo else you will not be allowed to wear white.
Red is another color that can make you look classy and elegant on your drivers license but you must ensure that red is not the background color of the license photo.
Imagine wearing an emerald green for your drivers license photo. It will be too beautiful to behold.
These are the colors to wear for driver’s license photo.
Colors You Should Not Wear For Driver’s License Photo
The colors you should not wear for driver’s license photo are:
- The Background Color: You cannot wear the same color of the driver’s license background photo to take the picture else you will look lost in the picture. The DMV will not even allow you to wear such color for the picture. For example, if the background color for the license photo is dark blue, you will not be allowed to wear a dark blue clothes for the photo.
- Stripe Clothes: Do not wear clothes with stripe pattern. They can be quite distracting.
- Clothes with Complex Pattern: You should avoid wearing clothes with complex pattern for your drivers licence photo because it can cause the photo to be distracting. It can remove focus from your face which is the reason for the picture and take the officer’s mind to the dress.
What Color Shirt to Wear for Driver’s License Photo?
The color shirt to wear for driver’s license photo is red, black, white, pink, peach, blue, and green. Do not wear any stripe pattern shirt or shirt with complex patterns.
How Can I Look Good in Driver’s License Photo
You can look good in your drivers license photo by:
Wearing Your Best Dress
Dressing well is one of the best way to take a drivers license photo. Knowing the kind of clothes to wear and what color to wear for your drivers license photo will go a long way in giving you the perfect picture you need for your license.
Making or Barbing your Hair
Whether you’re a man or woman, your hair should not look tacky while taking a drivers license photo. You need to make your hair before the picture is taken.
Avoiding Too Much Makeup
This is for ladies who do make, ensure not to apply too much make up on your face before taking the picture. Do a light make up and leave your face the way it is.
Being Natural
Be natural and leave your face the natural way to avoid having a picture on your license that is different from what you look like in real life. If the picture looks too different from your face, you may have issues with police officers on the road.
Smiling Less
If you wish to smile on your license picture, do not smile too much. Keep it natural.
The essence of having a photo of you in your drivers license is to identify that you’re the real owner of the license and of course qualified to drive.
However, if you use colors that are distracting, they can remove the focus of the officer from your face down to the cloth, by the time the officer will be done looking at your cloth, he must have delayed you. Wear colors that are unique and less distracting. Colors like red brown, green, peach, blue, white, et