Trucks are not so much easy to drive, unlike a normal fancy car, it requires more skills to corner or escape dangers.
They have blind spots too. Even with the clearer view and bigger mirrors hanging on both sides of the truck, there are blind spots.
Imagine a small car driving directly behind the big truck. There is no inner mirror to check; neither will the side mirrors capture the car.
You will know you are in a blind spot and at a top risk when you cannot glimpse the truck’s driver’s reflection. I call it danger. So, what are large blind spots on trucks called?
Large blind spots on trucks are called “No Zones” which is an area around the truck where you’re lost to the truck driver. It means you are not visible to the driver because you are directly behind the truck or you are way too close that the truck cannot maneuver or stop safely.
What Are Large Blind Spots On Trucks Called?
How familiar are you with the word “No zone?” Maybe you are just hearing about it now or you have it clustered around your mind but can’t seem to fathom what it means.
A no-zone is any area around the truck where you are lost to the truck driver. It means you are not visible to the driver, maybe because you are directly behind the truck or you are way too close that the truck cannot maneuver or stop safely.
A little tip to have you escaping a collision is to avoid the No zone because it isn’t at your advantage as a driver in a mini car parading too close to a truck or staying right behind the truck.
Why Do Trucks Have Bigger Blind spots?
A truck is bigger so the driver sit is up high and with this, the one sitting on it is expected to see some places and be restricted from seeing other places.
A truck is long and big. The side mirrors can’t capture much, definitely, the driver can’t see the back completely except he wishes to dip his head out the window, which is totally impossible while driving.
Advantages Of Blind Spots Indicators In Trucks
Advantages of blind spots indicators are:
1. You Get Danger and Freeway Alerts
Signs are a signal that ensures everyone stays on track. It is a simple symbol that shows your next line of action.
Our busy roads are filled with different signs, we have traffic and navigational signs that stop you even if you are on top speed and likewise set you on a motion when due, there are also signs that ensure you corner the right way, obey the pedestrians, and many more.
The same applies to the blind spots indicator; it tells you your next line of action when a car suddenly swiped into a position where you can’t see it anymore.
You can call it your “god Eye”. Blind spots’ indicators alert you in two different ways. They are the first agent that sends you light signals through the outside mirror when a car enters your blind spot. This will ensure you have eyes all over your car. It prevents unplanned collisions.
Also, these lifesaving indicators don’t just inform you when you have a car carelessly enter your blind spot; it beeps you another signal if you forgot to do the right thing.
The highway gets busy all the time. Regardless of how skilled you are, you can’t simply have your eyes capture every aspect of the road. Getting a blind spot indicator is the best way to prevent unnecessary collisions.
2. You Drive with Sanity
Nothing tampers with your emotional health like unplanned expenses. How fortunate will it be to be a truck driver or any sort of driver?
You went out with enough cash and came back home with enough cash rather than having to pay bills because you accidentally collided with a car in your blind spot?
Let’s keep it cool. Driving safe requires having a blind spot indicator, it means having your consciousness see every corner while you drive.
You can’t check out through the window to shout at that cyclist who didn’t notice you have a big truck that can crush him down.
Do Semi-Trucks Have Big Blind Spots?
A semi-truck is proven to have a more expanded blind spot compared to other vehicles.
It is easy to get into an accident with a semi-truck because of its large blind spot. Many errors can be related to the visibility factor of a semi-truck blind spot, a few of them include:
- Because of their tall height, it becomes more difficult to see beyond the front view and the glimpse the mirrors can produce.
- Due to how long they are, when a car gets behind, it becomes hard to prevent a collision, most especially if there is a need to use the brake and the driver behind isn’t careful enough.
- Just another problem is the absence of rear-view mirrors. This alone is a problem.
Driving at the truck’s blind spots is like driving with missing lug nuts in your tire/wheels, it can be dangerous especially as the truck driver cannot see you, which might lead to a collision.
How Much Does It Cost to Add a Blind Spot Monitor?
A good approximation of about $200 – $500 will add a blind spot monitor to your vehicle. This can’t be a definite number provided there are other factors that can be considered when pricing a blind spot monitor and who will help with the fixing but either way, it isn’t so expensive that will cause you to break a bank before you can own one for yourself.
Final Thought
Having little or no control when you drive can strip you of your peace. When you are the one in the giant truck and you are trying your possible best to ensure nobody gets into your blind spot. You are not magical.
I would have suggested placing a few spells on every blind spot to ensure nobody trespasses, but with a blind spot indicator, you have a safer way to drive your truck without having to be too careful.