Slashing tires is sometimes a regular occurrence in some neighborhoods, it could be just one tire slashed or all four tires slashed. It is done for various reasons; it could be a way to get back at the car owner or a sort of revenge.
Depending on the state, slashing tires can be a serious offense with a penalty as extreme as getting jail time, but is slashing tires a felony?
Slashing tires may or may not be a felony depending on the local law and what is considered a felony in your state. Moreover, all four tires must have to be slashed for it to be a felony, and the cost of the replacement is very high.
Is Slashing Tires a Felony?
Yes, slashing tires is a felony, however, it depends on the level and value of the damage done and what the state or local law considers a felony.
In some states, slashing tires is not considered a felony unless the value of replacement exceeds a certain amount or all four tires are slashed.
In a case where only one tire is slashed, it may be seen as a misdemeanor and therefore the penalty will not be severe.
For the slashing of tires to be considered a felony, the tires in question have to be valued. If the tires are expensive and the cost of replacement is also wallet-drying, most states will see it as a felony and appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the deserved penalty is given.
Meanwhile, in some states, slashing tires may be considered mere mischief with the seriousness of the charges also depending on other outcomes that may result from the actions.
Can you Get Away with Slashing Tires?
Well, yes you can get away with slashing tires provided you do not get caught or the car owner doesn’t involve the police after finding out.
More often than not, people get caught for slashing a tire, either on the security camera or someone sees them when doing it.
You may also be able to get away with slashing tires without any serious penalty if after getting caught you are able to settle things out of court with the car owner and without police involvement.
What Charges Could be Brought Against Someone for Slashing Tires
The charges that could be brought against someone for slashing tires are:
1. Criminal Mischief
One of the many charges that can be brought against someone for slashing tires is criminal mischief.
Criminal mischief can be in different degrees; first, second, and even third degree depending on the seriousness.
For slashing of tires to be considered criminal mischief, the person must have ‘knowingly or intentionally engaged in conduct that causes damage to property belonging to someone else.
2. Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly conduct is another charge that can be brought against someone for slashing your tires and like criminal mischief, disorderly conduct is in various degrees.
For slashing of tires to be considered disorderly conduct, the person must have ‘knowingly or intentionally engaged in conduct that creates an offensive condition without the privilege to do so.
3. Vandalism
When you slash someone’s tires, you are intruding on their property and damaging it. Slashing a tire can be seen under the act of vandalism in some state laws.
4. Property Damage
A person could also be charged for property damage because slashing tires whether one or more means you are causing damage to another person’s car.
5. Misdemeanor
Someone that slashes a tire can also be charged with a misdemeanor also known as ‘petty crime’.
Usually, for someone to be charged with a misdemeanor, he/she must have slashed only one tire with the cost of replacement not more than a few bucks.
Bear in mind that slashing only one tire may be considered a serious crime in some states, therefore, it all depends on your state of residence.
6. Felony
For a person to be charged with a felony, the offense must have been considered very serious. In the case of slashing a car, all four tires must have been slashed for him to be charged with a felony and the cost of replacement high.
Can You Go to Jail for Slashing Tires?
Yes, you can go to jail for slashing tires but only in extreme situations. Usually, when you slash someone’s tire, you should be able to get away by getting probation, a fine, and if you are able to replace the slashed tires.
For the court to sentence a person who slashed a car’s tires to jail, then he probably has a criminal past of slashing tires.
In summary, ending up in jail is not usually the first or second sentence for slashing tires in fact it is safe to say it happens 1 out of 10 times.
How Long Can you Go to Jail for Slashing Tires?
If you have been sentenced to jail for slashing tires, you should know how long you can possibly go for. The duration for which a person will stay in jail is to a large extent determined by the worth of the tire.
A person will most likely get a penalty of up to 5 years if the amount of replacement and damage done to the tire is more than $1,000. If the amount is however less than $1,000 you may get a penalty of a year in jail.
The length of time for which you may likely stay in jail also depends on how well your criminal defense counsel can present and defend your case in court.
Note that the length of time you will be in jail depends on the penalty stated in your state’s law. In some states, if the value of the damage done is less than $500 as opposed to less than $100, the person could spend up to a year in jail.
Should I Report my Tires Being Slashed?
Yes, you should definitely report your tires being slashed unless, of course, you do not want the police involved.
If you decide to report to the police, it should be done within 24 hours of the incident. Reporting to the police helps not only you but others in the neighborhood, especially in a situation where the slashing of tires is a regular occurrence.
It will help the police to have it on the record and also put measures in place to prevent future occurrences.
The value of the tires slashed is most often a major determinant of whether slashing tires is a felony or just a misdemeanor in most states. It also determines how long a person can stay in jail for the same crime.