Car tires are the only part of a car that touches the ground and if anything were to happen to it, the car will most likely become immobile. A lot of things can happen to a tire to render it useless and possibly cause loss of air pressure.
One cause of loss of air pressure in a tire is when a screw or nail is lodged inside. A screw can get inside a tire when it is being driven or someone deliberately put it inside. So, the question is, how to tell if someone put a screw in your tire?
You can tell there is a screw/nail in your tire if the nail is visible for you to easily see, if the tire is deflated, during tire inspection, or if you caught someone putting the nail/screw in your tire.
How to Tell if Someone Put a Screw in your Tire
There are a number of ways to tell if someone put a screw in your tire, they are:
1. The Nail may be Visible
If a screw or nail is in your tire, you will most likely see it if the person didn’t remove it afterward, this is possible provided the nail isn’t small-sized.
It will be very easy to detect a nail or screw in the tire if it is sizeable and also if you are someone that checks all parts of the car regularly before driving.
2. Deflated Tires
Another way to tell if there is a screw or nail in the tire is if the tire is deflated. Nails in a tire will create a passage for air to get out and with the escape of air, the tire deflates. You are likely to notice this when it feels like the car is weighing on one side than the other.
3. Tire Inspection
If you are someone that regularly checks the car tires before going out you will be sure to notice the nail or screw in the tire. This is an advantage of constantly checking a car before driving out, it saves you lots of stress when on the road.
4. You Caught Them Doing So
You will also be able to tell if someone put a screw in your tire if you caught them in the act. Catching them in the act makes it impossible for them to deny doing it.
Why Would Someone Put a Screw in your Tire?
Here are the reasons why someone will put a screw in your tire:
- A Habit: This may sound untrue or unrealistic but you will be surprised at some of the habits people have. A person may decide to put a screw or nail in your tire just because they can and it is something they usually do.
- You Offended Them: If you have offended a neighbor or some other person, they may decide to punish you by putting a screw in your tire. It could be that you are parked in another person’s parking space and he/she thinks to punish you by putting a screw in your tires.
- Pay Back: The reason another person may decide to put a screw in your tire may be to get back at you for something you did. You may have been the first to put a nail in their tire and they are simply paying you back by doing the same to your tires.
Is it Ok to Drive with a Screw in your Tire?
It is not ok to drive with a screw in the tire except when need be.
Most people do not intentionally put their car on the road with a screw lodged in its tire, it is usually due to unawareness.
Whether it is ok to drive with a screw in the tire or not, it is not safe to do so because of the possible dangers it posses. You need to learn how to protect your tires from nails and screws to be on the safer side.
How Long Can You Drive with a Screw in your Tire?
You should be able to drive a distance between 10 – 15 miles with a screw in your tire. However, it is important to know that the distance you will be able to cover depends on the size of the screw/nail and how deep it has gone into the tire.
The distance may be longer if the screw is a small one and it’s not letting air out of the tire plus if it is not deeply lodged in the tire.
What to do When You Have a Screw in your Tire?
Immediately you realize there is a screw or nail in your tire, you should find a way to get it out. It is not advisable that you remove it yourself as you may be unable to determine the extent of the damage, therefore you should take the car to an auto shop and have them remove it.
At the auto shop, the mechanic will be able to determine the extent of the damage done and will most likely suggest a repair or replacement if necessary. But, if you can do it yourself (DIY), you can go ahead.
You can watch the video below made by lanceoa on his YouTube channel where he explained how you can successfully fix a tire that has a screw/nail on it.
What Happens if you Leave a Screw in your Tire?
If you leave a screw in your tire whether intentionally or unintentionally it may lead to serious problems such as;
- A blowout that may eventually result in an accident.
- Loss of air pressure in the tire will cause it to deflate
- The car weighs on one side than the other
- Difficulty driving the car (rough driving)
How Much Does It Cost to Fix a Screw in Tire?
The cost of fixing a tire with a screw in it largely depends on the garage you went to and if you will require other services like a wheel alignment.
Irrespective of the garage, you should be able to fix the tire for between $10 to $20 on average and all things being equal.
Do I Need a New Tire if I Have a Screw in It?
A determining factor in whether you will need a new tire if you have a screw in your tire is how deep the screw is in it.
If the screw didn’t go in too deep and just affected the treads you can simply repair it by patching the area up but if the screw is deeply lodged in the tire you will need a replacement.
Also, if you didn’t notice the screw in time which invariably means it has been in the tire for a long time you will most definitely need to change to a new one. And ensure to reset your TPMS after installing a new tire.
If you do not have the know-how and a repair kit do not try to remove a screw or nail from a tire as you may end up causing more damage.