How to Tell if a Parking Lot Has Cameras

Almost all establishments whether private or public have a parking lot, this is to ensure anyone coming on the premises has a place to park their cars.

Cars parked in parking lots are usually at the owner’s risk except there are cameras to capture activities that go on in the parking lot.

Although cameras in the parking lot help to reduce crime rates, some people or establishments do not have them. So, how will you be able to tell if a parking lot has a camera or not?

Do All Parking Lots Have Cameras?

Not all parking lots have cameras but the majority of them have them.

Parking lots whether private or public may decide there is a need to have cameras in place while others may not see the need.

The reason why some parking lots will have cameras on the premise may be because the state government made it compulsory.

In modern states, it has been made mandatory for parking lots to have cameras as it helps in monitoring activities and reduces the crime rate at least in the parking lot.

How Do I Tell if a Parking Lot Has Cameras?

It is quite easy to tell if a parking lot has cameras as they are usually in plain sight. Cameras are not installed in the parking lot with the aim to conceal them from sight, if you will take your time to look around you will find them.

Cameras will most often be installed at the parking lot entrance, exits, and some other places inside the parking lot that will enable a clear view of activities going on from when a car enters the parking lot till it leaves. Therefore, if you are not really sure of where to look, the aforementioned is a pointer.

Cameras come in various sizes and forms, therefore, some may be easily detected and more visible than others, but irrespective of their size, you will still be able to locate a camera if it’s in the parking lot.

You can locate a camera in a parking lot either by its visibility or the blinking light which is usually red in color.  

What to do If a Parking Lot Has a Camera?

What to do if a parking lot has a camera will depend on whether you are happy with the fact or not.

Some people do not like the fact that a parking lot has a camera, it could be because it will prevent them from carrying out any criminal acts while others are happy because they can be sure of the safety of their car and belongings.

If a parking lot has a camera, you should do the following:

  • Do Not Park in the Blind Spot: If a parking lot has a camera, you do not want to park in the blind spot. If you park in a blind spot, the camera will be unable to capture whatever happens to your car, like someone putting a nail/screw in your tire.
  • You May Want to Pull Down the Window Cover: Pulling down a car’s window cover is to prevent the camera from seeing inside the car, however, this is provided the camera is one that can see through a car’s window.
  • Blind Spot: If upon entering the parking lot you realize the parking lot has cameras at various points, you can choose to park in the blind spot as against not parking in the blind spot. By doing this, your car and all activities regarding it won’t be captured on the camera.

Can Parking Lot Cameras Read License Plates?

Yes, a parking lot camera may be able to read license plates but it depends on the type of camera being used.

Cameras vary in functions and features. Some cameras are designed for field view while others are able to get the tiniest details.

A camera will be unable to read a license plate if it is covering a large area also if it is in a blind spot of the car in question.

A lot of factors contribute to a camera’s ability to read a license plate, such factors include:

  • The viewing angle of the camera
  • The lighting conditions in the parking lot (some parking lots have poor lighting conditions, especially at night), and
  • The recording resolution amongst others.

If you are really concerned about cameras reading license plates then you should put things in place that will make it possible, you may want to start by getting a camera with the right resolution.

Do Grocery Store Parking Lots Have Cameras?

The answer to this varies as not all grocery stores have cameras.

Depending on the state of operation, the state government can make it compulsory for all grocery stores to have cameras installed for security and other purposes. In which case the store has no choice but to abide.

On the other hand, some grocery store owners do not see the need to have cameras and therefore will not take any step in having any installed.

Therefore, for a grocery store’s parking lot to have a camera, it all depends on its owners and the extent of the government’s influence.

How Do I Obtain Parking Lot Security Camera Footage?

Obtaining parking lot security camera footage is quite easy if you know what to do. Here is how you have to go about obtaining it.

1. Make a Police Report

In order to obtain footage from a parking lot camera, your first course of action will be to get a police report.

You need to call the police and give the necessary details such as; why you need the footage, the events surrounding it, where your car was parked, the time frame, etc.

Without getting a police report or police involvement, you may not be able to get the footage and if you eventually get it without them, it will take longer time than usual.

2. Approach the Security Team

In any establishment, the security team will most likely be in charge of the security camera, therefore, they will be in the best position to give you access to it.

With the police report in hand, it will be easy for the security personnel to look through and get the necessary information.

3. Going Through the Footage

With the time frame on record, they can easily go through the footage for a particular time rather than looking at all the footage to get the right one.


Security cameras are very important in a parking lot as it helps to deter crime. Also, a lot of factors should be considered when getting a security camera as it will determine the details that will be covered in the video at the end of the day.