Having an engine with a rod knock can be very painful. It is an issue that is quite common in cars and can be caused by different things which range from lack of oil to low fuel pressure.
When an engine experiences a rod knock, people are quick to assume the engine is bad and opt for a replacement without knowing that an engine’s life can still be extended even with a rod knock.
Now, the real question is, how do you extend the life of an engine with rod knock?
The most common way to extend the life of an engine with rod knock is to do regular servicing of the car by replacing the oil when due to ensure the car has fresh oil and servicing the fuel system for accurate fuel pressure.
Can You Extend the Life of an Engine with Rod Knock?
Yes, you can extend the life of an engine with rod knock.
Rod knock is the sound of two or more rods connected together hitting one another against the crankshaft while it rotates when changing directions.
Rod knock tends to happen when the metal bushing between the crankshaft and con rods begins to wear out. It is safe to say the major reason for a rod knock is ‘premature wear.
Rod knock may seem like a problem that will shorten the life span of your engine, but fortunately, there are ways to extend the life of the engine.
How to Extend the Life of an Engine with Rod Knock
The best way to extend the life of an engine with rod knock is by:
Regular Check of the Engine Oil Level
For the engine and its internal parts to function well, it needs oil. Other than making sure the engine has oil, you must also ensure the oil is at the right level at all times. It shouldn’t be too low or too much.
The oil should be changed when old as old oil in the engine can cause rod knocking. It should also be changed when it has been neutralized either by fuel, coolant, etc mixing with the oil as this can cause more problems than you think.
Use Fuel with Higher Octane Level
If you have been using fuel/gas with lower octane levels in the car, this may also cause rod knocking in the engine.
If this is the case, try using fuel/gas with a higher octane level. Higher octane-level fuel will most likely increase the oil pressure thereby solving the rod-knocking problem.
Having the Car Serviced Regularly
Engine knock and other problems in the car can be prevented if the car is serviced regularly. When the car is being serviced, ensure that worn/bad spark plugs, bad ignition coils, and bad injectors are replaced with immediate effect.
Oftentimes, when you go for a car service, the mechanic will give you a date for your next service. Ensure to stick with the given date as it greatly prevents your engine from knocking.
Usage of the Right Fuel
Different cars have different fuel recommendations by their manufacturer, this is usually stated in the owner’s manual.
Only recommended fuel should be used in the car, using one below what is recommended can result in engine knocking.
Replace the Bearings
Bearings help to ensure the piston moves smoothly and are under control. The bearing may however wear out over time, making them come out of their position.
Once this happens, you are likely to experience an engine knock. If this is the cause of the engine knock, you will need to replace the bearing.
Use Additives
Engine knocking can be reduced or prevented when you use fuel additives. However, you must ensure to use them correctly to avoid the wrong mixture of fuel and additives.
Correct Coolant Level
You also need to ensure that your coolant level is ok and that there is enough coolant stored in the coolant reservoir. This is to ensure your car doesn’t overheat and cause more damage to the car.
Stop Overloading Your Car
There are some people that drive a pretty old car with an old engine who still put too much load on it. Stop it as it will prevent your engine from experiencing a road knock.
Pros of Extending the Life of an Engine with Rod Knock
The advantages of extending the life of an engine with rod knock are:
- Not Spending Unnecessary Money: For some people when the engine knocks, they think that is the end of the engine and they proceed to get another one. One of the advantages of extending the life of an engine even when it knocks is you get to save your money at least for the time being.
- Prolonged Usage of the Engine: If you are able to follow the known ways for extending an engine’s life with rod knock, you will have increased the life span of the engine and you get to use it for much longer.
- Possible Damages will be Prevented: If not fixed in time, rod knock can cause other problems in the engine. By extending the life of the engine, you are indirectly preventing other problems from arising in the engine.Â
Will Adding Engine Oil Stop Engine Knock?
Adding oil to the engine will prevent the engine from knocking, however, this is provided the root cause of the engine knock is lack of oil.
Engine knock can be a result of various things, lack of oil inclusive. If this has been proven to be the cause adding oil will help solve the problem.
Internal parts of the engine rely on oil for lubrication and if they are not getting enough there will be friction and knocking sounds will be produced.
On the other hand, adding oil may not stop the engine knock if the rod knocking is caused by something else.
What Can I Put in My Engine to Stop Knocking?
If you notice the sound coming from the engine area is a result of the engine knocking, you can put any of the following in the engine to stop it:
- Oil Additives: Putting additives in the engine is a known solution. This is done by mixing fuel and additives together to ensure that it is done in the right proportion. Some brands of additives will most likely have directions for use on them. Examples of some additives are Red Line Break-in Oil, and Lucas Heavy Duty Oil Stabilizer.
- Upgrade to Higher Octane Fuel: If you have been using fuel with a lower octane level, that could be the cause of your engine knock. Therefore, it is advisable to switch to fuel with higher octane levels. This will help to increase the oil pressure in the engine thereby getting rid of the engine knock.
Rather than waiting till when the engine knocks to find a solution, you should take a preventive measure of getting the car serviced regularly. Regular service of a car is a proven way of preventing a car’s engine from knocking.
You should also ensure that only fuel and oil recommended by the manufacturer or mechanic are used in the engine. Anything other than this could lead to an engine knock.