Every vehicle comes with a fuel pump which pumps fuel right into the engine to enable it start. When the fuel pump fails, the car will not start. Even if the car manages the start, it may find it difficult accelerating to a certain speed. At this point, the fuel pump needs to be replaced. But, can the fuel pump fail suddenly?
Yes, a fuel pump can fail suddenly without giving any symptoms to warn the driver. Fuel pump failures are usually sudden and unpredictable.
Can a Fuel Pump Fail Suddenly?
Fuel pumps can decide to fail at any time without prior notice except you’re driving a sophisticated modern luxury car. It mostly won’t alert you.
In some modern cars with luxury and sophisticated computers, you might be alerted once the fuel pump begins to fail, but in some older cars, you may not be alerted except when you start your car and it refuses to start.
I’ve been a victim of sudden fuel pump failure on two consecutive times. The first was that I parked my car after coming back from work only to start it the next morning and it refuses to start. After replacing the fuel pump and my car started right away.
The second incident happened while I was on a road trip. It was a long distance journey. I stopped for a routine police check. When I started the car back, it turned on but could not accelerate. The car was just rolling. I managed it to a place where I could have the fuel pump replaced. Note that this happened to two different cars.
So fuel pump can fail suddenly without prior notice. However, even if it does give you a notice, you may not understand it. Except maybe you’re a very good technician.
What Causes Fuel Pump to Fail?
The most common cause of fuel pump failure are:
1. Old Age
Fuel pumps are not designed to last forever. They can get old and when that happens, it will fail. If you’re using an old car that has been in use for a long time, chances are that sooner or later, the fuel pump will fail and will need to be replaced.
2. Wear and Tear
Wear and tear can also cause a fuel pump to fail suddenly especially those caused by the type of gas you use. If you keep using a dirty gas, it light wear out your fuel pump and spoil it.
3. Always Driving with Low Gas in the Tank
If you develop the habit of driving your car with low gas warning light illuminating on the dashboard, you risk the chances of damaging your fuel pump.
The truth is that, when your gas is low, it risk the chances of allowing dirt and debris at the bottom of the gas tank to make it’s way to the fuel pump. This can however cause the pump to fail when it cannot long tolerate it anymore.
4. Dirty Fuel Filter
Your fuel pump can fail suddenly if your fuel filter is too dirty and clogged. That it can no longer filter the dirt that goes through the pump, these dirt can make its way through the pump, hence spoiling it.
The same goes to having a fuel filter that has teared. It prevents it from filtering the dirt the way it should.
5. Bad Gas
Using a bad gas can cause your fail pump to fail. The best thing to do is to ensure you use the recommended gas for your car.
What to Do When Your Fuel Pump Fail?
When your fuel pump fails, have it replaced with another one. Do not continue to drive with a bad fuel pump to avoid damaging other parts of your car.
How to Prevent Your Fuel Pump from Failing
- Always use the right gas
- Clean your fuel filter sometimes or replace it with another one
- If your filter has some tear in it, have it replaced immediately
- If you’ve been using your fuel pump for more than 4 years, you can have it replaced or buy another one for keep in your car should in case anything happens
- Develop the habit of topping your gas anytime the fuel gauge comes down to quarter to finish.
Can You Start a Car with a Failed Fuel Pump?
Yes, you can still be able to start a car with a failed fuel pump if the pump has not gone bad completely. However, if the pump has completely failed, you will not be able to start the car.
From what I’ve experienced, I was not able to start the car the first time the fuel pump failed until I replaced it. But when it failed in my other car, I was still able to start the car and drove it to where I could replace the pump. The only problem was that the car was not able to accelerate. It was just going very slow.
Therefore, you can still be able to drive your car if the fuel pump fails as long as it still has some life in it.
Is Car Fuel Pump Repairable?
No, car fuel pumps are not repairable. They cannot be repaired and should be replaced immediately it fails.
Signs of a Bad Fuel Pump
The signs of a failing or failed fuel pump are:
- Difficulty Accelerating the Car: When your car fuel pump goes bad, you will find it difficult accelerating the car. The car will just be moving slowly.
- Car Sputters and Jerks: A failed fuel pump can cause a car to sputter and jerks at high speed.
- Hard Start Failure to Start: This is one of the most common sign of a failed or bad fuel pump. When this happens the best solution is to have the pump replaced with a working one
- Power Loss: Your fuel pump could be failing if you find it difficult driving on hills. Once you start losing power while driving on hills, it could be your fuel pump is giving you sign.
Final Thoughts
Since fuel pumps are not manufactured to last forever, they can fail suddenly. When this happens, you should have it replaced immediately.
However, if the car is still able to start and drive, you should not drive for too long before having it replaced to avoid damaging other parts of the car that will cost more money to fix.