Wet roads are usually a result of rain and shouldn’t prevent one from going out. However, driving on wet roads can be really dangerous and extra caution should be taken as the risk of an accident is always high at times like this.
Despite this, there are tips and steps that can be taken to make driving on wet roads safe.
Should You Drive on Wet Roads?
Not driving on wet roads will be the safest answer to give considering how dangerous it is to drive on wet roads, but if one is being realistic, we will know that driving on wet roads is unavoidable as you will be required to drive in the rain and even after it has just finished raining at some point in your driving life.
Since not driving in the rain or on wet roads is impossible, it is better to know how to safely drive on wet roads.
Wet roads are most often the aftermath when rain falls, and it can be very dangerous driving in such conditions, especially for drivers going at a high speed.
When Driving on Wet Roads You should?
When driving on wet roads, it is important that you put measures in place to ensure you and your car are safe and that the possibility of getting involved in an accident is ruled out.
Here, we will take a look at the things to do to ensure you are safe when driving on wet roads. They are:
1. Slow Down and Don’t Overspeed
When driving on wet roads, you should not be driving at a high speed even if you are used to doing so. It is very easy for a car to slip and slide when a small amount of oil mixes with water on the road.
It will also be less likely for the car to skid when you are driving slowly. When driving slowly you are able to clearly see the car before you and avoid a crash as it can be difficult to see clearly when it’s rainy.
Know the speed limit you should go on wet roads to avoid stories that touch. It is he who is alive that can drive a car. So don’t kill yourself because of overspeeding on wet roads when should not.
2. Both Hands should be on the Wheels at all Times
Ensure that you have both hands firmly on the wheels when driving on wet roads. This is not the time for you to use your phone, as a matter of fact, avoid all distractions.
A lot can happen in the short time it will take you to answer a call or sip a coffee. It is also much easier to steer a car when both hands are on the wheel.
3. Ensure to Maintain Your Distance
When driving on wet roads, be sure to maintain a safe distance between your car and the one in front.
By maintaining a distance, you are able to slow down if there is a need to do so or avoid a collision in the event that the car in front stops suddenly.
Maintaining a distance should be easy if you are driving at a slow speed.
4. Use Your Headlight If it’s Raining
It can be difficult for you to see oncoming cars and for them to see you when driving in the rain, hence, the importance of using your headlight when it’s rainy and the road is wet.
In some states, it is a violation of the law if you are driving in the rain without your headlights on.
5. Check Your Windshield Wiper
Once you notice it is rainy, check your windshield wiper before heading out to be sure it is in good working condition.
You should also ensure that it isn’t one that will leave a streak on your windshield as this will defeat the purpose of wiping the window and making it hard for the driver to see the road ahead clearly.
6. Watch Out for Standing Water
If you notice standing water on the road when driving, avoid it. Driving into standing water most times do not end well as a number of things can go wrong, you can end up splashing water on other cars thereby impairing their driving vision.
It can also damage your car’s electrical system or cause the car to lose traction and crash amongst other things that can happen.
7. Ventilate the Car
The possibility of the car windows getting foggy when it’s rainy is high, a way to prevent this from happening is ventilating the car.
In some cars, the ventilation system helps to reduce the fog that may develop on the window from the interior. This may however not work all the time, if you realize this, it will be best if you pull over till you can see clearly.
8. Ensure all Car Equipment is Working Fine
It is always better to check and double-check your car equipment when necessary, this is so you don’t realize much-needed equipment is not working when you need it.
Equipment such as the windshield wiper, headlight, and tail light should be checked at regular intervals and especially when it’s rainy. You should also check the car tires, check the threads.
9. Do Not Drive
If your outing isn’t all that important, you can wait till the rain stops and you are more comfortable going out.
It can be very hard and uncomfortable for some people to follow some tips to ensure safety when driving in the rain, so if you are one of those people it is better you wait until it stops raining before going out.
10. Be Prepared for an Emergency
It is always very easy for a driver to lose control of the car when driving in the rain with one of the common accidents being ‘Hydroplaning’.
When this happens, it is advisable to calmly take your foot off the gas, tap the brake gently and steer the car to the front in the direction you want to go.
It is also not advisable to jerk the wheel sharply or stomp the brake. When a car hydroplanes, it means there is a loss of traction because water has build-up between the tire and the road.
If you cannot handle driving on a wet road or when it is rainy don’t drive, it is safer for you and other drivers on the road, but if you have to, ensure to follow the safety tips explained in this article.