How to Use Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer

The Head gasket is an important part of an engine but unfortunately, it is one part of the engine where the least attention is paid.

Just like some parts of the engine where fluid flows, the head gasket is prone to leakages and other defects. When this happens, you have two options; to replace the gasket head or use a head gasket sealer.

One of the common and functional heads gasket sealers is the Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer. It is easy to use, affordable, and offers a lasting solution.

What is the Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer?

The blue devil head gasket sealer is a brand of gasket sealer that is used for repairing and sealing a blown, cracked, or leaking gasket.

Due to its component, you can be reassured that no clogging or harm will come to your engine as a result of using it. This head gasket can hold plastic, metal, alloy, etc., together for a long period without fear of coming apart.

Unlike other head gasket sealers, the Blue Devil is known for its prevention of reoccurring leakage, ease of usage, and multi abilities such as; dealing with heater cores, and frozen plugs among its other benefits.

Although, this head gasket sealer is often time recommended for 4 or 6 cylinders it also works well in diesel and gasoline engines.

If you are looking for a fast, easy, and permanent fix for a leaking or warped head gasket you are sure to get your money’s worth with the Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer.

How to Use Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer

For every bottle of a Blue Devil head gasket sealer bought, there is always a direction for use, the direction for use may look like the following;

  • First thing first, you should clean out the cooling system in readiness for the sealer.
  • The next thing to do is to remove the thermostat and flush it out with a flushing agent like the radiator flush, then use water to flush again.
  • Fill the cooling system with water but not to the point where there will be no space for the head gasket sealer. Leave room for the sealer.
  • Then you can proceed to remove the radiator head, gradually turning the engine from low to high.
  • The next thing to do will be to pour the content of the blue devil sealer inside the radiator, this should be done while the vehicle is still running and the heat high. Pace the pouring, you shouldn’t be in a hurry to get it all inside at once.
  • Then replace the radiator cap
  • After replacing the radiator cap, allow the vehicle to idle for some minutes between 45-50 minutes. Within this period, make sure the temperature gauge is normal by keeping your eyes on it.
  • A good ratio and mixture of water and anti-freeze should be added into the cooling system after the given time elapses.

However, if the vehicle has a reservoir instead of a radiator cap the blue devil  should be poured through the radiator hose after which the hose should be reconnected.

How Long Does it take for Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer to Work?

It usually takes the head gasket sealer about 50 minutes to work once it has been applied.

The blue devil isn’t one of the best gasket sealers for nothing, it is known for its fast action time without causing further delay to the driver.

For fast action, it is advisable that after adding the sealer the car should be left idle for about 50 mins as this is the time it takes the sealer to do all its work.

How Many Times Can I Use the Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer?

The number of times for which the blue devil head gasket sealer can be used depends on the reoccurrence of the leakage. Usually, when the sealer is applied it can last for as long as 6 months.

As long as the direction for use is followed, the blue devil can be used as many times as possible. However, if you find yourself having to keep adding the sealer to stop a leakage you should consider other options.

Other options like taking the vehicle to a repair shop and having the head gasket replaced. Replacing the head gasket may be a more permanent solution than having to continue using the head gasket sealer. Note that this is not to say this Gasket Sealer is not effective.

Pros of Using the Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer

There are reasons why the blue devil head gasket sealer is considered a good option amongst others. If you are still not sure whether to go for it or not, here are a few advantages that may change your mind.

1. Ease of Usage

One of the many advantages of the blue devil head gasket sealer is its ease of usage. You do not need to take the vehicle to the auto shop to apply it, you can easily apply it yourself anywhere you may be by simply following the direction for use on the bottle.

2. It is Affordable

This sealer is not just easy to use, but it is also very affordable. You do not have to break a bank to get it. You get to have a permanent solution to a leaking head gasket by paying a small amount.

3. It is a Quick Fix

With this head gasket sealer, you do not have to constantly worry about a leaking head gasket, and with the right application and use all leaking problems related to the head gasket will be fixed. It is also known for it multi-purpose ability to fix heater cores and frozen plugs.

4. It Does Not Damage the Engine

One thing people fear when using a head gasket sealer is the possible damage it may cause to the engine. However, this is not the case with the blue devil head gasket sealer.

You don’t need to buy a new engine after using it. With this head gasket sealer, you can be sure of a permanent leakage repair without damage to the vehicle’s engine.

5. It is a Permanent Solution

The head gasket sealer is a permanent solution to the leakage problem in the head gasket. Once applied, you can be sure that the head gasket will be leakage free for the next 6 months all things being equal.


If you have to keep applying the head gasket sealer at regular intervals, then you should get a replacement for the head gasket. It simply means the head gasket is very bad not that the sealer is not effective.